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Core Content Science: Animal Top Ten

Packed with unusual and unexpected facts about a variety of animals, these books are sure to attract readers' attention. Eye-popping photos add to each book's appeal and draw readers in to learn more about Earth's Amazing Animals.
Ages 8 to 12 Grades 2-4 Reading level 3 40 pages 6.5" x 9"
Book features: TOC, Glossary, Index, academic Power Words, sidebar Fast Facts, Further Reading, Dynamic Photos with captions and labels, Locator Maps
Schools & Libraries
Reinforced Hardcover editions: $18.99 (S&L)
Multi-user Ebook editions: $28.99
Available directly from our distributor Lerner Publisher Services.
In a premise tailor-made for competitive kiddos, this entry [Animal Appetites] in the Animal Top 10 series (6 titles) counts down the top 10 animals with the biggest or oddest appetites. A few aren't surprises—like the blue whale, which eats literal tons of krill a day—but others are truly eye-opening. --Booklist