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Start Smart: Sports

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Level: N
A Child's Guide to Being a Good Sport
Playing a sport can be a lot of fun. Plus, it's great exercise. Being part of a team, or just playing with friends, is more fun for everyone when you know the rules of the game and how to be a good sport. Now young readers can Start Smart in sports with these six fun titles. Learn rules of the game, player positions, and tips for practice.
Book features: TOC, glossary, informational sidebars and trivia, player position charts, index.
Ages 6 to 9 Grades K to 3 Reading Level 2 32 pages 6.5" x 9"
Schools & Libraries
Reinforced Hardcover editions: $19.99 list
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Softcover editions: $8.99
Available from our distributor: Lerner Publisher Services
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Price: $8.99