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Fashion Rules: A closer look at clothing in the Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages, your position in life was based on birth. To make it easy for others to know your social class, rules about what you could wear - and not wear- were created. Such rules, called sumptuary laws determined colors of clothing, types of fabric, types of sleeveseven the number of buttons you could wear. Author is an NCSS and NY State Outstanding Social Studies Teacher of the Year.
40 pages, 11" x 9" Interest level: grades 2 to 5 Ages 8 to 12
Features: sidebars for context, bibliography, author biography, richly detailed & amusing illustrations.
"an accessible introduction to an interesting topic." -- Booklist
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Hardcover Edition: 978-1-63440-905-6
$19.99 (List)/ $14.99 (S&L)
multi-user ebook edition also available.
Available directly from our distributor Lerner Publisher Services.